08 October 2012

A Short Day Out! (Picture Heavy!)

Helloooo ladies!

I just wanted to share with you this short blog entry! 
This is entry is pretty much just an excuse to show you guys the shoes I bought recently! lol
Sooo, Errica and I explored a little area around town filled with adorable locally owned shops filled with clothes and shoes that are perfect for all kinds of gyaru (sadly most of the shops are crazy expensive!) But at a place called 7 Chics, we found these gorgeous shoes, perfect for hime gyaru! And can you believe that they were only $10?  Badass, right?

We also went to this cute little restaurant in the marketplace called Bonefish!  As soon as we saw the outside of the restaurant and how cute and home-y it looked, we knew we just had to go!  The restaurant has all kinds of foods from all kinds of cultures!  That's the main thing that I love about that restaurant.  There's Jamaican food, Japanese food, Italian food and tons more!  I love it!
And here's the inside of Bonefish!  It looks so fancy, doesn't it?  I felt so high class. lol
There were more alcoholic drinks on the menu than food! xD
(The place is so empty because we got there as soon as it opened [4pm])
Later on, tons of business men starting coming in to eat and drink!  There were so many ajusshi. Haha so that made me feel even more high class. lol

 Errica's spicy coconut shrimp!  Which tasted like heaven :P

And this is my corn and lump crab chowder with aspargus and garlic mashed potatoes! It tasted amazing *-*

 Errica by the fountain!
It was ridiculously bright outside, she couldn't look up without squinting her eyes and looking like Clint Eastwood in his old movies lol

Errica actually caught me off guard, she's so awesome at catching good pictures of me. lol I'm not even photogenic, it takes me like... 8 tries to get ONE good picture! xD How does she do it?

Just some pictures of the marketplace :D  It looks gorgeous, like Louisiana's own little slice of Cali!  While I'm there, I can pretend I'm somewhere cool. lol

 A starfruit! ∑(O_O;)
I've never seen a real starfruit before!   Saw this bad boy at the
Fresh Market~
One day I'm gonna buy one... and eat it. 

Well that's all!  Sorry it was so boring lol



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