19 July 2012

My first gyaru attempt =.='

Hello everyone!

I'm here to share my very first gyaru makeup attempt.  This was a few months ago... Maybe in January or something.  The makeup shown in previous entries are actually more recent. :P Go figure.

I'm actually a little scared to post this on here because I know that it sucks sooo much! lol
But hey, no one will know how far you've come if you don't show them, right? (Even though, I'm well aware that I haven't come all that far :P  I just want to make that clear so I don't look like a conceited jerk. lol)

Welp, here goes nothin' >.>'

Criticism and judgements that I'd like to pass on to myself:  (1) no contouring was done at all; (2) I didn't do the nose stripe; (3) the lower liner is atrocious; (4) the single lower lashes were a horrible idea because they were too long to begin with and I had to trim them myself, which ended up making them look too straight cut; (5) this isn't exactly criticism, but the eyebrows aren't as sharp and defined and how I'm used to them being seen, so I may want to look into better shaping my brows.

And now for some things that I think I actually did okayy on:  (1)  I actually did a pretty good job applying the top lashes!  (2) I think I made a good choice when I picked those circle lenses.  It doesn't look creepy or gross with my skin tone and my natural eye color doesn't affect the intensity of the color.  Well... >.> that's pretty much it. lol

Thanks for visiting my blog and tell me what you think about this makeup.  Tell me what you think what was strong about it and could use some work... or did I grill myself enough for everybody else? :P

Princess Mimi Sesame Grey Circle Lens Review!

Hi guys!  For this post, I'll be reviewing the Princess Mimi Sesame Grey circle lenses!!
Again, this is a few-months old tumblr post, but I wanted to put something on this blog, even if it was recycled! :P
On to the post!!

I’ve actually had these lenses for about a week or two now, but I’ve never done a review on them… so here it goes:
So first things first: Shipping.
It was only 5$-I know a good price, right?-but it took about a month for it to be delivered to my home.  Which I wasn’t too happy about, but I’m not too bothered by it since Candylens.com (the place that I ordered from) is trustworthy.

Second!  Packaging!

The packaging was absolutely adorable!  As you can see from the pictures, after you open the package you see a neatly bubble-wrapped box, a card, and although I didn’t include it, you actually get a lens case!  I’ll put the lens case as the last picture so you can see how cute it is.
And the lens case is actually free, they let you pick which one you want and they try their hardest to accommodate. :) I actually got the one that I wanted:  the hippos! lol

And for the card-I just love it-it’s hand written and they even include your name and smiley faces in it.  It makes the whole experience feel a lot more personal (like you’re receiving a gift through the mail from your sweet little grandma in Malaysia lol btw the manufacturer is in Malaysia, that’s why I said Malaysia specifically).  The note makes me feel special and as if they are interested in me as a person and not just interested in my money.  Ya’know what I mean?

And now for the lenses!
ENLARGEMENT:  At a whopping 15mm diameter, the enlargement is tremendous! They aren’t too big or too small for me. :) And whenever I wear them in public, I notice tons of people staring at my eyes as they walk by-not even trying to hide the fact they’re ogling me. lol So I feel very flattered.  5/5
COLOR:  they are very obviously grey in person, via video, via picture, and however else you’d be able to see them.  I was a little worried and thought maybe grey would look weird (it being so light and my skin being so dark in comparison), but it actually looks really good in my opinion.  And many other people say that the grey looks good on me.  And the grey shows up wonderfully on my eyes, even though they are dark brown.  5/5
COMFORT:  the first day I wore them, I actually wore them for 12 hours (I know you’re not supposed to wear them for that long, but oh well) and I had no discomfort at all whatsoever.  In fact, I couldn’t even feel that they were there… sure every once and while I could feel them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.  I even took two naps that same day lol (I know you’re not supposed to nap in them, but again, oh well) and still no discomfort.  I didn’t have to use drops at all for the entire day. 3.5/5 (for reasoning for a 3.5/5 is the occassional feeling of it being present and they get blurry every once-in-a-while; it isn’t too frequent)

(I know I look super weird in this picture. lol)
Needless to say I’m satisfied with this product! ^.^
If you don’t want to wait a full month for your lenses to come to your house, I know for a fact that you can find these lenses on Pinkyparadise.com (I got mine from Candylens.com), but I don’t know how long it takes their manufacturer to send things to the US. Sorry. :/
Here are just a couple more pictures of me wearing the lenses. :)

Yeahh, that's right... I was wearing them with my low-key, ganguro makeup that I wore around campus during finals week. :P

Well I think that's plenty of pictures for one day. :)
I hope you guys enjoyed this entry!!

Lioele Waterdrop Sleeping Pack Review!!

Hellooo everyone and welcome to yet another entry!! ^o^

This is a review of the Lioele Waterdrop Sleeping Pack that I purchased from Pretty&Cute.com.  I actually made this review a while back and put it on my tumblr (Moonbit.tumblr.com).
Sorry the words on the pictures are so hard to read.  I'm just going to type subtitles beneath each picture so you know what the picture says! ^-^' Sorry for the inconvenience everyone!

Love this stuff!! :D

Nice and creamy consistency when you first squeeze it from the bottle, and just wait until you start to rub it on your skin!

The Lioele Waterdrop Sleeping Pack is designed to moisturize and plump your
skin throughout the night as you sleep! ^-^
After rubbing it in you'll start to see water drops forming on your skin (has your moisturizer ever done that? lol)

After a few minutes, the Sleeping Pack creates a smooth film over your face to ensure that it stays hydrated.  I believe on the Pretty&Cute website, it also says it'll help you achieve a cute, V-Line shaped face.  I'm not exactly hoping for a V-line shaped face, but I wouldn't mind having the cute, ulzzang-looking face shape.  Although, I've seen no signs of a V-line popping up.
I'm not so sure if you can see the water droplets so well in this picture... so I used my hand as an example also!

Here are the stages of the Sleeping Pack on my hand!
Notice how dry and dare I say "scaly" my skin looks right now?
Consistency:  I love it! It feels creamy and gentle!
Does it serve it's purpose?  Most certainly!  I used to wake up in the morning with quite the oily face.  But now, that is in the past!  The film the Sleeping Pack creates is still in tact when I wake up and washing it away with my cleanser is easy!  As for the purpose of creating a V-line face shape?  It hasn't been working for me, but who's to say it doesn't work for someone else? :3

Notice the skin underneath the Sleeping Pack?
Not so scaly anymore, is it? ^_~

My Verdict?
In love and I'm gonna keep buying it!!
A friend of mine even said that my skin now looks flawless and smooth!  I didn't even tell her beforehand that I've been using this Sleeping Pack!  You know sometimes, comments that people make to you can be biased, based on a bit of knowledge.  For instance, if you say you've been a new shampoo, your friend might say "wow, your hair feels a lot softer now!"
Or, "your hair is a lot shinier!"  I'm ranting... I'm done! lol Bottom line... the product's awesome!
Brand: Lioele
Price: $9.99 USD
Website: Pretty&Cute.com
From: Korea

Again... I'm sorry if that was hard to read. lol
But now that I've been using the Sleeping Pack for a longer time now, I have more to add to the review! ^-^
I've actually run out of the mask... it happened about two weeks ago and my skin has changed a bit since then.  In my opinion, my skin tone doesn't look as nearly as even as it did when I was using the mask every night.  My skin also looks like it needs to be exfoliated very badly, although I exfoliate it everyday with a gentle, rubber scrubber.  I'm going crazy with how disappointed I am with my skin at the moment.  So I'm waiting in anticipation for my notification email from Pretty&Cute, so they can tell me that they're no longer out of stock Dx

Thanks for reading, guys! :3
Bai bai!

Ganguro Around Campus (Finals Week)

Hi guys!!  I'm pretty excited with this being my first entry and all! :D
I hope I'm not completely horrible at this.  I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon though!

Anyway, on to the point:  Walking around campus in ganguro during finals week with Errica.  It was awesome!!  Sure we were stared at the mocked, even laughed at the entire day, but we also got a few compliments and we had a lot of fun! :D  It was nice walking around knowing that I look different than everybody else and standing out of the crowd.  Finals week gets pretty dull around campus and we both figured that this would certainly liven it up, which it did!

I know the makeup isn't SUPER EXTRAVAGANT, but it was certainly enough to get people's attentions. Lol
This is a picture of Errica and I together.  I did some pretty pathetic photoshop to this picture just to spice it up! xD The picture was also taken with my crappy Mac webcam! lol

And the next picture is a picture of Errica that I photoshopped just for fun.  I know how much she loves Pokemon, so I thought I'd do this image just for her! ^o^

 Neat, right?? :D

Soooo, I know this entry was pretty short, but ya'know... I'm just getting started.  And honestly, I don't remember much more from this day lol, that was a few months ago, in May.

I hope you guys enjoyed my first entry and are excited for the things to come!  I know I am! <3


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