15 August 2012

Question For Everyone!! O.O

Sooo, I know this is silly and I feel silly asking this... >.> lol
buuuut can anyone tell me how to reply to the comments that I get? lol cause I really have no idea!! I've googled it and I just have no clue. xD

Well thanks for your time. lol and thanks for reading if you actually read this dumb post.

But I'll leave you with this cute picture of my cat sleeping. :P

Bai bai~

Dress Up and Sweet Frog!

This entry isn't anything TOO special, I just wanted to post up some of the pictures I took while Errica and I were out eating frozen yogurt.  It was sort of another day for us to try out our gyaru looks!

Her makeup, as well as mine, pretty much melted off that day.... Why is it sooo hot!!! DDD:

So what do you guys think of the makeup? :)
I think I actually did well on the eyes :3 But to improve, learning how to fix my eyebrows and bottom lashes are a must!  Now, if only I could find the money to buy said lashes. :P

Lol I don't know why, I just really love this picture of Errica. xD

lol she was really awkward and didn't know what to do... So I just have a few pictures of her making awkward poses with unsure faces xD

Errica promised me that tomorrow would be a day filled with gyaru makeup practice and making youtube videos! :D So let's hope she holds true to that... I know how lazy she can get. lol

Just a little food pron, then this very short, to-the-point entry is over! :D
 Errica's frozen yogurt!! :D
Confetti cake and Mango with orange and strawberry boba (those bubble thingies lol)! :D
My frozen yogurt!
Confetti cake (my favorite) and Banana pudding (weird, I know, but it was good! lol) with black berries and orange and strawberry boba!
I know, mine was an odd combination... xD

Thanks for reading and keep a look out for the videos to come! :D

Bai bai~

Back To College--Move In Day o.o'

Hi everyone!! :D
Today was my and my roommate's (Errica's) day to move in to our on campus apartment!
...and what a day it was o.o'
The day pretty much started off with me feeling like garbage... I'm anemic and if I don't remember to take an iron pill and multivitamin every day, I feel like poo... weak and nauseous and can barely even dress myself. =.='
Then, Errica and I went to eat breakfast at McDonald's.  Nothing horrible happened there, but there was a very persistent guy there... o.o' I told him more than once, "no you can't have my number."  "no, I'm not taking your number."  "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend."  And still he persisted, saying he was going to come visit me at school and crap... ugh!
He said I looked "beautiful" and all I could say was, "what? now? O.o"
And this is how I looked today! Gross!!!! But why dress up and look cute, when all I'm gonna do is haul heavy crap up a flight of stairs in 100 degree weather? >.>'

I had to drive an hour and a half without being able to see out of my rearview mirror due to all of my and Errica's things piled up in my tiny Kia Spectra. lol  But that wasn't so bad.  All in all, the drive was okayy. xD I just like to complain.

Okayy... and NOOOOW for the good stuff! :D haha
Errica and I promised each other that we were gonna learn to cook this school year!  So we thought we'd christen the kitchen and cook food that we learned to make from watching Japanese people on youtube... one of them was possibly Chinese. :P
First! ...ramen egg drop soup! :D

Looks pretty tasty, eh? :D WELL IT WAS! AND YOU MISSED OUT! :P
It was reeeally easy to make and seriously only took like... 5 to 10 minutes to make. Is anyone interested in learning to make this? :D  If you are, Errica and I would be glad to make a video or pictorial! :D
But after we make the tutorial, you'll be kicking yourself for not already knowing how to do it. xD I know you will be, because I was. haha
Errica and I were suuuper full after eating this, but we just couldn't help it. lol xD what's a good dinner without good dessert?  (And we were watching a lot of dessert videos lol)
Strawberry cupcakes!! :D We even put chopped strawberries in the centers of each cupcake. 

We had a crapload of batter left over... Like a ridiculous amount... soooo we made a sheet of strawberry cake. o.o
As for the finished cupcakes?
I know, I know... they look all messy lol we forgot to get cupcake papers! D:
Buuuut that doesn't change the fact that they were delicious. :P so there!
And now, I bet you're wondering what we did with the sheet of cake? We made Japanese Roll Cakes! :D Well... we didn't do it right... >.>' We were supposed to use sponge cake, but we didn't have any lol and we were supposed to use whipped cream, but we didn't have that either... sooo we just used the butter cream icing we used for the cupcakes. lol
Your choice of fruit on top!
Roll up the cake, and set it in the fridge so the shape will set, then slice! :D
I personally didn't eat a piece, I was dying from the ramen egg drop soup and the two cupcakes I'd already eaten xD But Errica ate a slice and said it was amazing!  So maybe this quick easy recipe will be something you'd like try at home! :D

I know this is an unusually long and wordy entry for me (trust me, I'm as shocked as you are. :P), but it's almost over! :D  I just thought I'd post up some pictures of the apartment!
It comes fully furnished, and the decorating is up to us. :) However, because we're both broke college students, we pretty much only focused on our rooms  and bathrooms. lol
Here's mine!
I'm sorry these pictures are sideways =_= I tried to fix it like...  a million times, but stupid blogspot won't let me!! D:

Thanks for reading all the way through (if you did) lol
And I hope you enjoyed this unusually wordy entry!

Bai bai! :3

Also!! If you're interested in seeing any of my youtube videos (gyaru related ones), keep a lookout on my gyaru themed channel sun7bit.  Since I'm at school now and have a private place to do videos, you can expect  A LOT of videos to be uploaded very soon.  I think I'll actually do a couple of videos tomorrow~ ;3
And if you're interested in what my other interests are, you can look at my other channel owlsheart. :)

-Videos that you can expect to be up really soon on my sun7bit channel: skin care routine and Asian product haul (it's the haul I made an entry about, but this way, you get relative sizes and such!)

Once again,

Bai bai!

06 August 2012

Forever 21 Haul!! ^o^

Hi guys!! Three posts in one day, can you believe it! :O
Anyways... This is just a little haul... very little haul, of Forever 21 clothes.  I'm getting ready for the new school year and this year, I'm determined to look more stylish and more gyaru (as well as Errica), in hopes that we can gain friends that are also interested in gyaru!  ...or maybe we could get some people to become interested! :3

There was a HUGE sale in Forever 21 over the weekend!  Buy one get one free with all "on sale" items, and then it was also state tax free weekend! :D  So the sales tax was only 5% instead of the usual 9%, which is awesome!
So anyway... This sweater!  I love it and I think it could be really cute for a ko-gyaru look or maybe even a charming, winter/autumn roma-gyaru look with the right accessories and makeup!

I know this sweater looks boring (it also looks dark grey, but it's actually navy blue), but I see a lot of possibilities for this sweater! It's oversized (which adds to the cute factor) and could also work with ko-gyaru and maybe even roma-gyaru (again, only with the right accessories and bottoms and makeup).  I love the innocent, sweet look when it comes to gyaru.  So one of the sweet looks is exactly what I'd like to go for and think this sweater could help get me there! ;3

This sweater is actually Errica's, but I thought I'd include it anyway.  It's a little "see-through", but that just adds more possibilities to this sweater!  A printed undershirt would be cute under this, or maybe a solid cami, but spice it up with a bright, "out there" color!

Again, this is Errica's sweater, but I wanted to include it!  She was a little skeptical about buying this sweater, but I assured her that there were plenty of possibilities.  The fact that the strips are brown means you can wear autumn/earthy colors, and then the splash of pink and orange means you can wear bright colors as well, accessories can definitely make this sweater a staple item in someone's wardrobe!  After I thought about all of the outfits I could make, I really wanted this sweater too! lol but sadly, this one was the last one. T-T

I know what you're thinking.... don't hate on my Freddie sweater lol  I like it and I think it's cute.  I like wearing earth tones and moccasins and this ties into those two things! I could totally wear moccasins with this and look like a cute, earthy, charming gyaru.... yes?

I LOVE these shorts! I swear I saw them some time ago and wanted them, but didn't buy them, due to the price.  I'm glad I found these... ON SALE!!  Some cute ankle boots paired with these shorts will make my legs look stunning and I could look like a beautiful boho gyaru!  Buuuut if I pair it with a loose fitting, floral shirt... I could easily be roma-gyaru! ;D

Soooo these are from Rue 21, not Forever 21, but I wanted to include them anyway... come on, why wouldn't I?  These were only $5!!! How sweet is that?! I love when Rue 21 has this $5 pants sale!

Korean facial masks!  I was sooo excited when I saw these in Forever 21!  I'm totally crazy about my skin's health right now!  I've never been so crazy about it before... but when I used the Lioele Waterdrop Sleeping Pack, and my skin got all awesome, I just couldn't help but start buying all sorts of Asian facial products.  The masks were only 1.80 each.  The mask on the top left is Apricot Essence.  The one on the top right is Green Tea.  The one on the bottom left is Rose Essence.  And the one on the bottom right is Royal Jelly.  I've never used anything that was 'royal jelly' before, but I saw some products on pretty&cute.com that were royal jelly... so I figured why not give this a try and if I like it, I'll try out something more expensive!

Well, that's all everyone!  Thanks for reading and don't forget to take a look at my youtube channels:  owlsheart (my general channel); sun7bit (my gyaru-based channel)

Bai bai!

A Really Quick Point

This is just a really quick, really short post that I wanted to share!

I just want this to be known, I love Matsumoto Natsuko!  She's gorgeous and is a gyaru inspiration for me!  She's my inspiration, not only because she's gorgeous, but also because she's got moles!  In Asia, women are always trying to get rid of their moles and freckles (and that's true, even in the West), and for her to be a Popteen model with TWO big, noticeable moles is amazing to me!  And it makes me realize that a lot of people are open minded to someone being different and having these sorts of "flaws".  People still find her beautiful even with the moles.  I've got freckles, so as you can imagine how happy I am about having someone like Matsumoto to look up to! ^-^

Thanks for reading guys!! Bai bai!

Look at my youtubes!

Look at my tumblr.

Gyaru Around Town... SORT OF

Sooo Errica and I did another full on gyaru day just to give us something fun to remember from summer vacation since all we both did this summer was work =_='
This time though... I realized... I SUCK at gyaru. lol I mean... I already knew I wasn't so great.  I'm a beginner after all!  But seriously, after looking at myself in these following pictures, I became a bit embarrassed that I've been calling myself gyaru.... even if I do make it clear that I'm a beginner. lol
Of course I was going for kogyaru.  But I don't have any loafers to go with the
look. :/ However, I do have good leg warmers, I'm not quite sure why I didn't wear them
that day. lol

And there's Errica behind me!

I need to work sooo hard on my makeup! D: Before I do anything more with learning
to work with my transitioning hair and my coords, I want to get my makeup on point!!
I think the makeup sort of makes the look and the hair and clothes enhance it and tie everything
together... bottom line, makeup is the most important thing to me.

Errica eating her frozen yogurt!!

And now, here are some Egg scans (or is this from Ageha? I can't remember), of
some eyeliners I could try out to better myself.  When I do my next full-on attempt,
I'll definitely post it!
I just really like her eye makeup... xD

Thanks for reading guys!! ^-^ Keep checking back!  I update pretty often!
And don't forget to check out my youtube channels and tumblr.
owlsheart --my youtube channel that's about pretty much everything.
sun7bit --my youtube channel that's only about gyaru and Asian fashion/products (There will be tons of videos coming on this channel after school starts!
moonbit.tumblr.com --my tumblr!

Bai bai!!


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