01 August 2012

Gyaru Day!! ^o^ Hoorayy!

Gyaru Day is the name Errica and I gave the days when we both try our hardest to dress gyaru and do full on gyaru makeup.  Then we go out and eat and shop and do whatever we can think of until we get too sleepy to keep going!  How cleverly named, huh?  Gyaru Day. :P Haha
Well it's usually just the two of us, once our friend Clayton (who isn't gyaru-o) joined us for the festivities only because he wanted to get out of the house.
When I think about how other people have super fun gyaru meets with like.. 6-10 people running around enjoying themselves, I do get a little jealous. lol I won't lie.  I'm reeeeally hoping this blog, my gyaru channel (sun7bit) and my tumblr (moonbit.tumblr.com) will attract some fellow gaijin gyaru are interested in having meets with us. :3

Anyway!! Enough of that, on to the pictures of the actual Gyaru Day. :P  There really aren't that many pictures, I took pictures for a while, then I was having so much fun I just kind of forgot all about taking pictures. lol

This was Clayton's meal:  Mushroom soup and a crap load of fried rice with warm green tea.
After Clayton's soup came, I regretted that I didn't order some myself xD
It looked sooooo delicious!
Our hibachi chef served Clayton shrimp and Clayton said to him, "doumo arigatou gozaimasu".
The chef was so impressed and happy that he gave Clayton extra rice on the house. lol It was
pretty awesome.

This was my meal!  Shrimp, noodles, fried rice, vegetables, and shrimp sushi (I'm not a fan of rolls).
Everything was amazing!  I can't express how much I love hibachi.  If it weren't
so expensive Hana would probably be the only place I ever ate at xD
Before the chef comes to cook for you, you get clear soup and a salad while you wait.
I love ginger salad dressing on my salad, best thing ever!!  Problem is I can't find it
in grocery stores, you have to buy it from local Japanese restaurants, isn't that crazyy?!
Kraft will sell some green goop call "green goddess" (which looks disgusting btw), but
not ginger salad dressing?!
Anyway, the point is... you get a crap load of food!! I couldn't finish it all, in fact none
of us finished all of our food!

Just a close up of my shrimp sushi with soy sauce, wasabi, and ginger shavings
on the side.  I love the ginger shavings, they taste so amazing!
I don't really have a taste for sushi rolls, and I just don't know why.
But I can kill some regular sushi, haha :D
Another one of my favorite sushi is eel!  My mom and I
decided to do a little experimenting and it's actually really tasty and very tender.
So... some of you might wanna give that a try ;)

And lastly (out of the meals), Errica's meal!  Chicken, noodles and rice!
She also got soup and salad and she tried the ginger dressing for the first time that day and she
loves it now just as much as I do! :P

Funny story... :P The chef tosses half of a shrimp at everyone at the table (if they want
to participate in that) and you're supposed to catch it in your mouth!
Clayton didn't participate (cause he's lame), I caught it (as always when
I go there), and Errica (who was new to such a thing) got smacked in the face
by her shrimp, everyone (including strangers) struggled not to laugh at her.
She was a good sport and laughed along and we all had a good time! :D
(btw, no one else at our table participated in that part.. :/ lame-o's.  That's the
fun of hibachi!!)

Just a shirt that I bought while shopping :) I love it.
It's from Forever 21 and I believe it was on sale for $9!
That was the only clothing I bought that day!  I was sooo disappointed with that.
Whenever I have a ton of money to blow I can't find ANYTHING that I
want to buy!  But when I'm broke EVERYTHING looks "omg sooo cute!" to me. =_=

And this is actually what I wore that day. :) I know, it isn't flamboyantly gyaru.
But I think the outfit could be counted as a toned down Liz-Lisa-esque look!
Give me some credit T-T I have built a big collection of clothes yet!

Errica and I actually got a ton of compliments that day on how cute we both looked!  It really 
made me happy that people of Louisiana liked our style; Louisiana people usually stick to what's
known and comfortable to them--which is so boring.
I bet that if I would've told them the style was supposed to be gyaru before they complimented me
they probably wouldn't have complimented me in the first place.  That's just how some people
are here... ugh.
Sorry!  I'm totally ranting about nonsense right now xD

This is Errica!!!!!! I jumped and took of picture of her in her dressing room xD
oh my, how mischievous! >:{D

Pay no mind to my healing monroe piercing please, it looks disgusting!!

So I took pictures of my makeup AFTER I got back home from the big day out, which was a bad
idea xD I was just waaaay too excited about Gyaru Day that morning to even think
about pausing to take a few pictures beforehand xD oopsy!

Once again, don't look at the piercing! lol

Soooo, I didn't even bother taking a picture of my hair that night.  My once
fluffy and cute hairstyle became flat and raggedy-looking. =_=

Well that's all for this post guys!  I hope you enjoyed this one and hopefully I'll have more posts about more Gyaru Days, but this time I'll remember to take proper photos xD
Thanks for reading! ^-^

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