16 September 2012

I Don't Wanna Sound Like A Weeaboo or Anything...(  ゚,_ゝ゚)

Every year, in August, Super Target closing down the store at 9 so that everyone that goes to my university can go shop and get everything they need for the upcoming school year.  They play loud music and give away lots of free stuff!
Amongst the free samples was a sample of the Deep Clean Invigorating Foaming Scrub by Neutrogena.  I grabbed a bottle just so that I could a drop to clean my face every night before bed.  I wanted to save all of the awesome My Beauty Diary Aloe Foaming Cleanser for the day time.  
Turns out that was a BIG mistake!!  I used this stuff like.. twice (2 nights) and my face started breaking out!  I didn't know what the problem was, I figured maybe I was eating bad, maybe I wasn't drinking enough water!  ...nothing had changed in my skin routine, other than using the neutrogena cleanser.
It didn't really hit me until Errica told me that her skin was breaking out really bad too and she suspected it was the sample cleanser. This was my face o.o'
I've been doing masks and have been exfoliating since I found out, which was only a few days ago... And my skin has already started to get better!  The only things I've been using are my usual Asian skincare products.  Those things are magical!  Damn American brands. D:<
Okay, okayy... maybe it's not all American brands, but I swear, I'm not using anymore American skincare brands on my face. =.= I don't want this to happen again.


Bai bai~

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