18 September 2012

I Know I'm Not Fat But...

Hi!  So I'm sure you know where this is going... xD I wanna lose a few pounds!
It's not that I think I'm fat or anything, because I know I'm not.  However, I would like my body to be tighter and fatter-looking.  You can be thin with a round belly... trust me.  I've seen it happen.

I think I'll looking cuter in gyaru-like clothing, it'll just pull the look together!  I'm not saying chubbier people can't look like gyaru, that's not AT ALL what I'm saying... but because of my height, my thoughts are definitely:  "the smaller, the better."

So first, a little bit about my weight and all that!
Last time I weight myself I weighed:  121 lb (54.8 kg) 
My height is 5' 4"
Last time I checked my BMI it was at 10, I think--which is awesome!

My measurements:

waist:  29inches (approx. 73.5cm)
hips:  35.5inches (approx. 90cm) (I didn't measure around my butt, I measured a bit above that... should I have measured around my butt? o.o) 
bust:  35inches (approx. 89cm)
arms:  9.5inches (approx. 24.5cm)
thighs:  22inches (approx. 56cm)

Those are my measurements!  All I really care about is my stomach though... haha I think everything else looks okay, actually, I'd like my arms to be a weeeee bit smaller too.  Just a wee bit.

And here are some pictures to get an idea of what I'm working with ;D

I think my goal weight is going to be 110lb (49.8kg).
Right now I'm aiming for 115lb (52.16kg), just to see if I'm satisfied with that weight.

Don't worry!  I'm not doing anything unhealthy. lol ...at least I don't think I am. haha
I'm dieting according to what the app says on my ipod touch (the app is called "Lose It", for those that wanna try it out!)  It keeps track of the calories I can eat and such!
To lose 2lb (0.9kg) every week, I can only consume 886 calories a day, I know it doesn't sound like much, but I had no trouble doing it today! :D  And besides, if I exercise, I can eat more!  I burned off almost 400 calories exercising today, so that means I can eat about 400 more calories, if I want!  But it's late, so I'm not gonna. :P

Thanks for reading!! :3

Bai bai~

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